organisation name, if not supplied, default value from configuration is taken
REST API callback:
POST http://${BASE_URL}/case-iapi/v1/methodParams{"tenant": "idport","muid": "cg2t1","methodType": "PASSWORD"}{"status": "success","data": {"methodSpecific": {"algType": 2,"salt": "S4IA9/pt+mOclZ6bRlK48lYktaDdaAJHG16Fot6mXuA=""complexity": {// optional, based on PASSWORD method configuration"minLength": 5,"maxLength": 8,"requiresDigits": true,"requiresUppercaseLetters": true,"requiresLowercaseLetters": true,"requiresOtherCharacters": true}}}}
Calculate password hash
for algType = 2
calculation of password hash = sha256(salt||password) where password is password supplied by user and salt is parameter .data.methodSpecific.salt from IAPI/activateMethod response.
Initiate instance of PASSWORD method
creating instance in INITIATED state and saving the password hash