SMS activation - monetplus/IDport GitHub Wiki

SMS activation

This flow describes how to activate SMS method.

  1. Activate method SMS IAPI/activateMethod
  2. Set instance property IAPI/setInstanceProperty

Activate method SMS

  • the SMS method must be activated at first
  • used parameters:
Parameter Description Required Value example
methodType type of used method true ["PASSWORD","ACTIVATION_CODE","SMS","CM","SPNEGO","TLS_CLIENT"]
muid user identifier true cg2t1
tenant organisation name, if not supplied, default value from configuration is taken false Monet+
  • REST API callback: IAPI/activateMethod
POST http://${BASE_URL}/case-iapi/v1/activateMethod
  "tenant": "idport",
  "muid": "cg2t1",
  "methodType": "SMS"
  "status": "success",
  "data": {
    "instanceInfo": {
      "@type": "cz.monetplus.idport.component.model.InstanceInfo",
      "instanceId": "SMS:482e2ae1-b1e3-4377-a5d8-c887d4094a91:cg2t1",
      "state": "ACTIVE"

Set instance property

  • optional step
  • setting of instance parameters:
    • name - change default friendly name of instance
    • validTo - change default instance expiration date and time in UTC format
  • used parameters:
Parameter Description Required Value example
instanceId instance identifier true 9e67b9e786c8a156b6135107841ed44c12e93420be366a02ba91f6fd0efc84c3
methodType type of used method true ["PASSWORD","ACTIVATION_CODE","SMS","CM","SPNEGO","TLS_CLIENT"]
muid user identifier true cg2t1
name instance friendly name false Swagger instance test name
tenant organisation name, if not supplied, default value from configuration is taken false Monet+
  • REST API callback: IAPI/setInstanceProperty
POST http://${BASE_URL}/case-iapi/v1/setInstanceProperty
  "tenant": "idport",
  "muid": "cg2t1",
  "methodType": "SMS",
  "name": "JMTest - 2020-07-29 08-23-44.357",
  "instanceId": "SMS:482e2ae1-b1e3-4377-a5d8-c887d4094a91:cg2t1"
  "status": "success",
  "data": null
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