PASSWORD management - monetplus/IDport GitHub Wiki

Management of PASSWORD method and its instances

The PASSWORD method is single-instance, therefore there could be only one instance active. The existing active instance is deactivated with activating of new instance. Instances in other states are not influenced by instance activation. Method state changes are independent from instance state changes and they do not influence each other. You must have method and instance both in ACTIVE state to be able to perform transaction operations.

Only the method could be blocked by unsuccessful transaction verification attempts. The instance could be blocked only manually. Possible configuration settings:

  • number of unsuccessful transaction verification attempts
  • time of temporary method blocking
  • number of repeated temporary blocking before permanent blocking
  • wheter to cancel transaction after blocking

PASSWORD method state diagram

Global parameters used:

Parametr Description Value/
.tenant organisation name <Monet+>
.muid user identifier
.methodType method type "PASSWORD"

Obtaning method information

  • this endpoint returns JSON object with method and instance information and unsuccessful attempts counter
  • specific parameters:
    • IN: .methodTypes - array of methods for which the detailed information is demanded
    • OUT: .data.methodInfo[].methodType = PASSWORD - method type
    • OUT: .data.methodInfoi[].state - method state
    • OUT: .data.methodInfo[].activeInstances - number of instances in ACTIVE state
    • OUT: .data.methodInfo[].instances[].instanceId - instance identifier
    • OUT: .data.methodInfo[].instances[].state - instance state
    • OUT: .data.methodInfo[].instances[].instanceName - explicitly set instance name (IAPI/setInstanceName)
    • OUT: .data.methodInfo[].failedAttempts - number of unsuccessful transaction verification attempts
    • OUT: .data.methodInfo[].remainingAttempts - number of remaining transaction verification attempts
    • OUT: .data.methodInfo[].blockedUntil - time of temporary blocking release
  • REST API callback:


IN:	.tenant, .muid
OUT:	.data.methodInfo

Obtaining salt and algorithm type

  • obtaining salt and algorithm type for calculation of password hash and transaction verification code
  • REST API callback:


IN:     .tenant, .muid, .methodType
OUT:    .data.methodSpecific.salt

Setting instance name

  • specific parameters:
    • IN: .instanceId - instance identifier (obtained from IAPI/initiateInstance or IAPI/methodInfo)
    • IN: .name - instance name (if left blank, actual name is deleted)
  • REST API callback:


IN:	.tenant, .muid, .methodType
	.instanceId, .name

Manual method blocking

  • REST API callback:


IN:	.tenant, .muid, .methodType

Manual method unblocking

  • REST API callback:


IN:	.tenant, .muid, .methodType

Method deactivating

  • REST API callback:


IN:	.tenant, .muid, .methodType

Manual instance blocking

  • specific parameters:
    • IN: .instanceId - instance identifier (obtained from IAPI/initiateInstance or IAPI/methodInfo)
  • REST API callback:


IN:	.tenant, .muid, .methodType

Manual instance unblocking

  • specific parameters:
    • IN: .instanceId - instance identifier (obtained from IAPI/initiateInstance or IAPI/methodInfo)
  • REST API callback:


IN:	.tenant, .muid, .methodType

Instance deactivating

  • specific parameters:
    • IN: .instanceId - instance identifier (obtained from IAPI/initiateInstance or IAPI/methodInfo)
  • REST API callback:


IN:	.tenant, .muid, .methodType
⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️