PASSWORD aktivace - monetplus/IDport GitHub Wiki

Instance activation of PASSWORD method

The PASSWORD method is single-instance, active instance is deactivated, if there is new one activated.

The activation flow has 3 steps:

  1. Activation of PASSWORD method IAPI/activateMethod
  2. Instance initiation IAPI/initiateInstance
  3. Instance activation IAPI/activateInstance

The flow is following in case of instance reactivation for active method:

  1. Salt obtaining IAPI/methodParams
  2. Instance initiation IAPI/initiateInstance
  3. Instance activation IAPI/activateInstance

Global parameters used:

Parametr Description Value/
.tenant organisation name <Monet+>
.muid user identifier
.methodType method type "PASSWORD"

Activation of PASSWORD method

  • the method PASSWORD must be activated at first
  • specific parameters:
    • IN: .methodSpecific.algType - algorithm type for calculation of password hash and transaction verification code
    • OUT: .data.methodSpecific.salt - salt for password hash calculation (with algType = 2)
  • algType = 2
    • password hash = sha256(salt||password)
    • transaction verification code = sha256(sha256(salt||password)||nonce)
  • REST API callback:


IN     .tenant, .muid, .methodType
OUT    .data.methodSpecific.salt

Salt obtaining

  • obtaining salt with active method
  • REST API callback:


IN:     .tenant, .muid, .methodType
OUT:    .data.methodSpecific.salt

Instance initiation

  • creating instance in INITIATED state and saving the password hash
  • specific parameters:
    • IN: .methodSpecific.value - base64-encoded password hash (according to algorithm type)
    • OUT: .data.instanceInfo.instanceId - initiated instance identifier
  • REST API callback:


IN      .tenant, .muid, .methodType
OUT     .data.instanceInfo.instanceId

Instance activation

  • transition of instance state to ACTIVE
  • specific parameters:
    • IN: .instanceId - instance identifier
  • REST API callback:


IN      .tenant, .muid, .methodType
⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️