Build your own monerobox - monero-ecosystem/monerobox GitHub Wiki

Users can build their own monerobox if they already have the required hardware.


To build your own Monerobox, the following hardware is required:

  • Rock64 board from pine64
  • SSD
  • USB 3.0 to SATA convert to connect Rock64 and SSD


Monerobox is based on Armbian Rock64 Linux and assume booting from the SSD.

After a clean Armbian Linux is installed, you can ssh to it with user "root" and password "1234". You will then be asked to change the password for root and to create a new user. Please create a user named "rock64".

login with user "rock64" and checkout "container" branch of monerobox repo:
git clone && cd monerobox && git checkout container
and run the script to make the base image of monerobox:
sudo ./

The script will reboot your rock64 after installation.
After reboot, run the the following script to start manager service:
cd monerobox && ./

After running the script you should see a container named "manger" is running if your run command "docker stats".
The manager will download and start other services such as tor, monero daemon and web services.
This will take some time to download the docker images.
you should be able to see services mentioned above in "docker stats" command and you will be able to access your monerobox with browser at "monerobox.local"

Print your own case

The case is printed using 3d-printer, the source code and STL file can be found at the "case" folder of the repo.