2. Getting Started - momoadept/FleetCommand GitHub Wiki
First, you would need an IDE set up. I use Malware's MDK-SE to code this, and I strongly suggest that you do as well. Please go to his github, give him a star and configure your Visual Studio according to his guide.
Get AdeptOS
Download the latest release from here. AdeptOS is provided as source code with optional packages.
Brace yourself
Open AdeptOS.sln in your Visual Studio. AdeptOS comes in a form of Shared Projects (C# code that is not compiled), and one AdeptOS class library that holds it all together. Shared Projects are your reusable libraries, while Class Libraries are your scripts that you will build and put in the game.
Solution that you open will look something like this
Create your project
Add a new project to the solution. Use Malware's "Ingame Script" project template. This will create your class library with all MDK stuff.
Add ingame script project, you can also put in in solution folder
Add AdeptOS
To use AdeptOS stuff, you need to go to your newly created project references, find "Shared project" and set it up as follows. Many of the packages are optional, for now we include only the required stuff.
Update Program.cs
With AdeptOS you won't really touch this file a lot, aside from some global configuration and bundling modules. Please go to the pre-made AdeptOS class library and copy the contents of its Program.cs to yours. It setups AdeptOS entry point.
Your Program.cs should look something like this:
You are now good to go! You can add this script to your game as per usual MDK procedure. It does absolutely nothing! If you have done everything correctly, after you load it to your PB, it should display something in the bottom-right corner of its UI, and also start a log on PBs screen.
Be sure to proceed with the tutorials. You can start with Hello World and go on with the other stuff in your own tempo.