scenario - momo54/DSMW GitHub Wiki
DSMW Scenario
In this scenario, prof_1 want to make lesson_1 available for her students while she continues to make corrections and minor modifications on lesson_1. In order to provide her students with the courses, prof_1 publishes them on a public site pubSite either her proper public wiki site or on the site of the university. pubSite is accessible by the students for read only to maintain the courses consistency. However, prof_1 manages to integrate relevant feedback of students. The scenario of collaboration is as follows.
prof_1 creates a push feed on her server site_1. This channel publishes only the lessons and the exercises without the exams.
prof_1 connects to pubSite and creates a pull feed on the later created push feed created then she pulls from it. The result of the pull is the creation of the lesson_1 and exercises_1 pages on pubSite_1 having the same content as in site_1. Starting from this point, the prof_1 can publish his courses progressively in an easy, safe and satisfied manner.
Students can have their own multi-synchronous wiki servers, they can pull lesson_1 from pubSite and personalize lesson_1. They can cooperate directly among students without the professor or they can decide to communicate their modifications to prof_1.
prof_1 can pull students modifications to her private server. If she finds some interesting pages created by the students useful for developing her courses or some improvements and corrections they made on her courses. She can make these modifications available on the public site.
Professor can make continuous improvement of the lessons and can make continuous integration of the modifications and make only consistent modifications visible. Without multi-synchronous support all incremental changes will be visible to both end users and to semantic request engines. Every participant professors and students want to control the visibility of their modifications and want to control the integration of others modification.