API Reference - mohithg/wdio-helpers GitHub Wiki



loads the url in the browser.


Accepts selector to wait for the element to appear in the DOM and scroll the page to that element in the screen.

click(selector, [index])

clicks the selector specified and if there are multiple elememts with the same selector it will choose based on the index. Note that it waits until selector appears in the DOM.

setValue(selector, [index], [value])

Set Value in any selector

waitForElementToGo(selector, [index])

Waits until element is not visible in DOM. Selector will choose based on the index.

findElementFromGroupWithText()(groupSelector, textToSearch)element

Finds and returns the element that matches the text from the group of selectors


Returns the console errors from browser


loads the url in the browser.

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
url string The url to navigate to.


Accepts selector to wait for the element to appear in the DOM and scroll the page to that element in the screen.

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
selector string The Selector element.

click(selector, [index])

clicks the selector specified and if there are multiple elememts with the same selector it will choose based on the index. Note that it waits until selector appears in the DOM.

Kind: global function

Param Type Default Description
selector string The Selector element.
[index] number 0 index number

setValue(selector, [index], [value])

Set Value in any selector

Kind: global function

Param Type Default Description
selector string The Selector element.
[index] number 0 index number
[value] string "''" Value to be set in the selector

waitForElementToGo(selector, [index])

Waits until element is not visible in DOM. Selector will choose based on the index.

Kind: global function

Param Type Default Description
selector string The Selector element.
[index] number 0 index number

findElementFromGroupWithText()(groupSelector, textToSearch) ⇒ element

Finds and returns the element that matches the text from the group of selectors

Kind: global function
Returns: element - element - The element which matches the textToSearch from group of groupSelector or returns null if nothing is found

Param Type Description
groupSelector string The groupSelector element.
textToSearch string Enter the text to search in elements

logConsoleOutput(type) ⇒ array

Returns the console errors from browser

Kind: global function
Returns: array - array - Returns the console errors from browser

Param Type Description
type string Type can be INFO, WARNING, SEVERE. If no type is provided, all messages are returned.
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