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Risk Management

Num Risk Area of Impact Description Impact Probability Risk Code Mitigation/ Prevention Plan
1 The client’s requirements are unclear or unspecific or keep changing Development The client’s description of the requirements isn’t specific enough so they might not get the right product, and changes might cause delays in timeline. VH 90% #cb2431 Talk to the client often and make sure requirements are clear enough
2 Team members are unfamiliar with the development tools being used Development The team needs to work with a new programming language or a new platform without previous experience or knowledge; in which time will be wasted VH 90% #cb2431 All team members must learn the development tools and development languages prior to the start of the project
3 Team member unavailable for personal reasons resources If a team is missing a member the team will move with their tasks at a slower pace H 70% #fb8532 The work will be re-divided among the other team members and they will have to increase work flow
4 Lack of coordination between team members Development If the team can't work together it’s a very serious problem that can lead to missing deadlines or final product that is not desired and, in some cases, leads to having an unfinished final product VH 15% #ffd33d There will be a meeting between all members of the team once a week (at least)
5 Machine/computer breaking Resources The case of an unstable computer or machine could slow the progress of the team and in some cases lead to a redo of work already done but lost M 10% #28a745 Back up all data & progress
6 Wrong evaluation of system’s size and scale Development The system turns out to be bigger and more complicated than expected M 10% #28a745 Make sure to stick to the basic most important functional requirements
7 Chosen development tools fail to meet required expectations Development The tools supposed to help with the development and planning don’t meet the requirements H 20% #28a745 Evaluate all tools properly before the start of the project