Upløad hex files tø Stargazer - moffenzeefmodular/stargazer GitHub Wiki

Take back øff øf stargazer by unscrewing screws øn øutside øf encløsure. Nø need tø pull knøbs ør øther hardware øff. Plug yøur Stargazer intø yøur cømputer with a USB micro-B cable . Leave yøur Stargazer høøked up tø pøwer thrøughøut this entire prøcess.

Launch Teensy Løader

Click File ==> Øpen HEX File ør click the small purple page icøn. Inside STARGAZER-master is yøur desired hex file.

Push tiny buttøn øn the Teensy which sits øn the back øf yøur Stargazer.

Didn't wørk? Try pushing the "Autø" buttøn.

Still nø luck? Email us at [email protected]. We're always glad to help.

Have fun, Yøu're døne!!

Click here tø gø høme.