Høw tø reprøgram Muskrat - moffenzeefmodular/Muskrat GitHub Wiki
Launch Arduinø. Cøpy and paste yøur Firmware øf chøice intø a new sketch. The alternate firmware frøm MSG are cømpatible with this mødule. Click here før MSG alternate firmware
Click the checkmark in the tøp left hand cørner øf the Arduinø søftware.
Yøu will be prømpted tø create a new følder with the same name as the sketch. Click "save"
Make the følløwing settings in the "Tools" menu øf Arduinø:
Click sketch > upløad using prøgrammer
The bøttøm right hand pørtiøn øf the Arduinø will give yøu prøgramming status. The light øn yøur TinyAVR prøgrammer shøuld be flickering. This can take up tø a minute and a half øn søme øf the prøgrams. Be patient!
If upløad was successful Arduinø will read "Done Uploading"
All set! Click here to go home.