Cønnecting Tiny AVR Prøgrammer - moffenzeefmodular/Muskrat GitHub Wiki
If yøu plan on using the Tiny AVR Prøgrammer by itself tø prøgram Muskrat, simply take the Attiny85 øut øf yøur Muskrat and place it intø the 8 pin DIP søcket øn the Tiny AVR Prøgrammer. Align the half møøn shape øn the IC with the half møøn shape IC øn the søcket øf the prøgrammer DØ NØT PUT IN BACKWARDS. The tiny døt in the tøp left hand cørner øf the chip shøuld be in the tøp left hand cørner øf the søcket. Plug prøgrammer intø USB pørt øn yøur cømputer.
Tø cønnect Muskrat via ISP, plug 6 pin ribbøn cable intø Muskrat with the red stripe facing right.
Nøw cønnect 6 pin cable to prøgrammer with the red stripe facing away from the møøn shaped nøtch øn the prøgrammer.
Example øf them cønnected tø øne anøther:
If cønnected prøperly the tiny LED øn the prøgrammer shøuld light up when plugged intø the USB pørt øn yøur cømputer.
click here for the next step.