Gazebo and others - modulabs/gazebo-tutorial GitHub Wiki
[Robot Simulators] Gazebo and others
Table Of Contents
- 로봇 시뮬레이터 구성 요소
- Gazebo 물리엔진 구성요소
- Gazebo 특징
- 로봇 시뮬레이터 종류
- 접촉 모델(Contact model)
- [TBD][마찰 모델(Friction model)]
- Additional Readings
로봇 시뮬레이터 구성 요소
- Physics engine (Dynamics/Contact/Collision/etc,.)
- Virtual Sensors
- Interface
- GUIs & Visualization
Gazebo Architecture
- Server: Runs the physics loop and generates sensor data
- Executable: gzserver
- Libraries: Physics, Sensors, Rendering, Transport
- Client: Provides user interaction and visualization of a simulation.
- Executable: gzclient
- Libraries: Transport, Rendering, GUI
Gazebo 물리엔진 구성 요소
- Open Dynamics Engine
- Robotics, gaming
- Bullet
- Gaming, animation, Sony, AMD, Google
- Simbody
- Biomechanics, Stanford
- Robotics, animation, Georgia Tech
Gazebo Features
- Dynamics Simulation
- Access multiple high-performance physics engines including ODE, Bullet, Simbody, and DART.
- Advanced 3D Graphics
- Utilizing OGRE, Gazebo provides realistic rendering of environments including high-quality lighting, shadows, and textures.
- Sensors and Noise
- Generate sensor data, optionally with noise, from laser range finders, 2D/3D cameras, Kinect style sensors, contact sensors, force-torque, and more.
- Plugins
- Develop custom plugins for robot, sensor, and environmental control. Plugins provide direct access to Gazebo's API.
- Robot Models
- Many robots are provided including PR2, Pioneer2 DX, iRobot Create, and TurtleBot. Or build your own using SDF.
- TCP/IP Transport
- Run simulation on remote servers, and interface to Gazebo through socket-based message passing using Google Protobufs.
- Cloud Simulation
- Use CloudSim to run Gazebo on Amazon AWS and GzWeb to interact with the simulation through a browser.
- Command Line Tools
- Extensive command line tools facilitate simulation introspection and control.
로봇 시뮬레이터 종류
ODE(Open Dynamics Engine) (2001~) <Sample_youtube>
Mujoco(Multi-Joint dynamics with Contact) (2012~) <Sample_youtube>
Gazebo [ODE with velocity-based LCP + Bullet Collision + ..] (2012~)
WeBot (1998~) <Sample_youtube>
iCub simulator <Sample_youtube>
RoboticsLab <Sample_youtube>
RecurDyn <Sample_youtube>
MSC. ADAMS <Sample_youtube>
Wiki) Simulator comparisons
Software Software license Physics engine Platforms supported Gazebo Apache 2.0 ODE/Bullet/Simbody/DART Linux, macOS, Windows Webot Non-free based on ODE Linux, macOS, Windows V-Rep Proprietary/GNU GPL ODE/Bullet/Vortex/Newton Linux, macOS, Windows OpenRAVE GNU LGPL ODE/Bullet Linux, macOS, Windows OpenHRP Eclipse ODE/Internal Linux, Windows RoboticsLab Proprietary ODE/Bullet/etc Windows [TBD] [2014]Robot Simulators (Knowledge and past/present use of simulators)
[2014]Robot Simulators (Current simulation tools be using)
[2014]Robot Simulators (Most diffused tools for a selection of the research area)
(참고) License- GNU GPL(General Public License)
- BSD (Berkeley Software Distribution) License
- MIT License
- Apache License
- MPL (Mozilla Public License)
- etc.,
접촉 모델
[Reference] (Springer book) Contact Force Models for Multibody Dynamics
- LCP(Linear Complementary Problem) Method + Lemke's Algorithms [Rigid][Continuous Contact based] <== ODE, Mujoco, etc.,
- Hertz Methtod [Elastic][Impact model & penalty based] <== MBD, FEM, etc.,
- etc.,
Hertz model is an idealized model of material defoamtion and contact forces for spherical surfaces that is often applied as an explicit penalty force.
LCP attemps to resolve all contact forces simultaneously when collisions are detected.
[Additional Readings]
[GAZEBO / Willow garage] Extending Open Dynamics Engine for Robotics Simulation -
[ROSCON2014] Comparison of Rigid Body Dynamic Simulators for Robotic Simulation in Gazebo -
[arXiv 2014] Tools for dynamics simulation of robots: a survey based on user feedback -
Wikipedia) Contact_mechanics -
[ICRA2015] Simulation Tools for Model-Based Robotics: Comparison of Bullet, Havok, MuJoCo, ODE and PhysX -
Survey of a Multibody dynamics software -
Mujoco(Multi-Joint dynamics with Contact) Overview -
[IROS2012]MuJoCo: A physics engine for model-based control