tlm - modrpc/info GitHub Wiki
- Doulos:
- Tutorials
- NOT pin-accurate: at the structural boundaries (component-to-component connection boundaries), exact connections/registers are NOT explicit
- Communications details are abstracted
- Bus/FIFOs => modeled as channels => represented as SystemC interface classes
- Transaction requests: calling terface functions of the channel models
- See Gajski's TLM slides for definitions of TLM
- Completely untimed model; just like C-program all connections between "computational components" (if any) are done through variables (e.g. as parameters to function calls, etc.)
- Computation: has notion of time (e.g. Verilog code)
- Communication: Still untimed done through variable channels
- Computation:
- Communication:
- Computation:
- Communication:
- Computation:
- Communication:
- Computation:
- Communication: