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This is the description of a simple abstract bus model. The modeling is done at the transaction level, and is based on cycle-based synchronization.
Cycle-based synchronization: This reduction in timing accuracy results in high simulation speed. The goal is to model the organization and data movement in the system on a clock by clock basis, as compared to the equivalent real system. Sub-cycle events are then of no interest.
Transaction modeling: The communication between components are described as function calls. Events or sequences of events on a group of wires are represented by a set of function calls in an abstract software interface. Transaction modeling of the interfaces enables higher simulation speed than pin-based interfaces and also speeds up the modeling construction process.
This example design uses an overall form of synchronization where modules attached to the bus execute on the rising clock edge, and the bus itself executes on a falling clock edge. This is a modeling technique used to achieve very high simulation performance for abstract bus models, it does not imply that the actual implementation of this design must use a bus that is sensitive to the falling clock edge. The final implementation may in fact only have a single clock with all logic sensitive only to the rising edge. Other synchronization schemes (e.g. reliance on primitive channels and the request_update/update scheme) could also have been used, though likely they will result in more complicated and slower code for this design.
The Bus Interface describes the communication between masters and the bus. To the bus multiple masters can be connected. Each master is identified by a unique priority, that is represented by an unsigned integer number. The lower this priority number is, the more important the master is. Each bus interface function uses this priority to set the importance of the call. There are three sets of communication functions (interfaces) defined between the masters and the bus: blocking, non-blocking and direct.
A master can reserve the bus for a subsequent request by using a lock flag. If this flag is set and the request is granted at a given cycle, then the bus will be locked for the same master in the following cycle if that master issues another request.
The blocking interface functions move data through the bus in burst-mode, and are defined as follows:
simple_bus_status burst_read(unsigned int unique_priority, int *data, unsigned int start_address, unsigned int length = 1, bool lock = false);
simple_bus_status burst_write(unsigned int unique_priority, int *data, unsigned int start_address, unsigned int length = 1, bool lock = false);
These functions read or write a block of data words (32bit), pointed to by data of size length (in words) from or to start_address. We are using byte addressing here, i.e. each valid word address is a multiple of four. The value unique_priority specifies the importance of the master as well as the id of the master. If lock is set, there are two separate effects:
- The function 'reserves' the bus for exclusive use for a next request of the same master. This request must follow immediately after the previous burst request is completed, i.e., when the burst_read() or burst_write() function returns.
- The function (i.e. the transaction) cannot be interrupted by a request with a higher priority.
- SIMPLE_BUS_OK : Transfer succeeded.
- SIMPLE_BUS_ERROR : An error occurred during the transfer. Not all data could be read/written.
The non-blocking interface functions are defined as follows:
void read(unsigned int unique_priority, int *data, unsigned int address, bool lock = false);
void write(unsigned int unique_priority, int *data, unsigned int address, bool lock = false);
simple_bus_status get_status(unsigned int unique_priority);
These functions read or write a single data word, pointed to be data at address. The request is handled according the given unique_priority. If lock is set, the function 'reserves' the bus for exclusive use for a next request of the same master. This request must follow immediately after the previous request is completed, i.e. when the get_status() function returns SIMPLE_BUS_OK or SIMPLE_BUS_ERROR.
The functions return immediately. The caller must take care of checking the status of the last request, using the function get_status(). This function queries the bus for the status of the last request made to the bus. Also here the unique_priority of the master must be passed in order to get the status of the appropriate request. The status of the request is one of:
- SIMPLE_BUS_REQUEST : The request is issued and placed on the queue, waiting to be served.
- SIMPLE_BUS_WAIT : The request is being served but is not completed yet.
- SIMPLE_BUS_OK : The request is completed without errors.
- SIMPLE_BUS_ERROR : An error occurred during processing of the request. The request is finished but the transfer did not complete successfully.
The direct interface functions are defined as follows and are the same for the bus interface and the slave interface:
bool direct_read(int *data, unsigned int address);
bool direct_write(int *data, unsigned int address);
The direct interface functions perform the data transfer through the bus, but without using the bus protocol. When the function is invoked, the transfer takes place immediately. The return status is either:
- true : The transfer was successful.
- false : The transfer was not successful. Possible cause is that the given address cannot be mapped upon a slave, or the memory location cannot be read or written.
The slave interface describes the communication between the bus and the slaves. To the bus multiple slaves can be connected. Each slave models some kind of memory that can be accessed through the slave interface.
The slave interface is defined by two sets of functions. The first set serves the default operations of read/write data to and from memory, while the second set of functions describe the direct interface, hereby ignoring possible wait states of the slaves. The direct interface is already discussed in section 1.1.3.
The normal-mode functions are defined as follows:
simple_bus_status read(int *data, unsigned int address);
simple_bus_status write(int *data, unsigned int address);
These functions read or write a single data element, pointed to by data in or from the slave's memory at address. The functions return instantaneously and the caller must check the status of the transfer by checking the return value of the functions. If the returned status is SIMPLE_BUS_WAIT, the caller must call the function again until the status changes. The status of the interface functions in one of:
- SIMPLE_BUS_WAIT : The slave issued a wait state.
- SIMPLE_BUS_OK : The transfer was successful.
- SIMPLE_BUS_ERROR : An error occurred during the processing of the transfer. The transfer is finished but was not successful.
To obtain the memory range of a slave two functions are needed:
unsigned int start_address() const; unsigned int end_address() const;
The start_address function returns the address of the first addressable memory location of the slave; the end_address function returns the last addressable memory location of the slave.
In the simple bus example these functions are used to perform a check for overlapping address spaces of the slaves before the simulation starts and to determine the appropriate slave for the specified address of a bus request.
To the bus more than one master can be connected. Each master is independent of the others, so each master can issue a bus request at any time. When at a given cycle one or more requests are made for the bus, these requests are collected and passed to an arbiter. Out of this collection the most suitable request is selected; the other requests are kept in the request state. The arbiter is connected to the bus by a dedicated interface, and is called with one or more requests in the collection:
simple_bus_request *arbitrate(const simple_bus_request_vec &Q);
The arbiter selects the most appropriate request according the following rules:
- If the current request is a locked burst request, then it is always selected.
- If the last request had its lock flag set and is again 'requested', this request is selected from the collection Q and returned, otherwise:
- the request with the highest priority (i.e. lowest number) is selected from the collection Q and returned.
The arbiter is called whenever the last master request is fully processed by the bus, and when there are one or more new requests made by the set of masters.
NOTE: The highest priority is specified by the lowest numerical value of the unique_priority parameter.
A bus transfer is initiated by a master request. Each master is sensitive to the rising clock edge where it can call a bus interface function.
At the rising clock edge, masters can issue a bus request. The bus interface function registers the request in a request form. The status of the request becomes SIMPLE_BUS_REQUEST. (The interface function does not terminate but waits until the status of the bus is either SIMPLE_BUS_OK or SIMPLE_BUS_ERROR, and this status is returned at the first rising clock edge after the request is fully completed.)
At the next falling clock edge after the request is issued, the bus handles the requests. Since now there is one (or more) request made, the arbiter is called to determine the most suitable request. The status of this request is set to SIMPLE_BUS_WAIT. This request is then executed.
For each data transfer to be made, ranging from start_address to start_address + length - 1, the current address is obtained and the corresponding slave is selected. If there is no slave to be found, the status of the request is set to SIMPLE_BUS_ERROR.
The master request is transformed into single slave requests, and one by one these requests are made to the slave. When the status of the slave is SIMPLE_BUS_OK after the call is made, then the transfer of a single data element has succeeded, the current address of the master request is incremented. If the current address is beyond the last to-be-addressed data element, the status of the request is set to SIMPLE_BUS_OK and the event is notified, for which the bus interface function that issued the request is waiting.
If there are more data elements to be sent to the slave interface, the status of the request remains SIMPLE_BUS_WAIT. At the next falling clock edge the bus process continues with the data transfer to the slave until all data elements are done.
If a slave encounters an error, the status of the request is set to SIMPLE_BUS_ERROR and the event is notified, for which the bus interface function that issued the request is waiting.
The bus interface function does not actually wait until the status of the call becomes SIMPLE_BUS_OK or SIMPLE_BUS_ERROR, but waits for an event coming from the bus process indicating that the transfer is completed. This event comes at the falling clock edge. An additional wait for the next rising clock edge must be issued in order to synchronize:
simple_bus_status burst_read(...) { // register request ... wait(request->transfer_done); wait(clock->posedge_event()); return get_status(priority); }
A non-blocking master request is done at a rising clock edge. The request is registered by the bus by filling in the request form and the status of the request is set to SIMPLE_BUS_REQUEST. The non-blocking function returns. The status of the request changes as soon as the bus handles the request, and that happens at a falling clock edge.
Now the master must check for the status of the request until the status is either SIMPLE_BUS_OK or SIMPLE_BUS_ERROR. Only the bus process can change the status of the request once the request is made. And that happens only at a falling clock edge. The same procedure is now followed for transferring one single data element through the bus as is described for the blocking interface request functions.
A direct interface request from a master does not follow the bus protocol, but is handled instantaneously. Once the request is issued by a master, it is directly transformed into the corresponding direct slave interface function call. The only action performed by the bus is the selection of the slave according to the address argument of the direct interface function call.
At the slave this direct request is also processed immediately without honoring the wait states of the slave. The function will return and its return value is either true if the given address could be read and/or written, or is false if that is not the case.
The return value of the direct request of the bus interface function call is the same as for the slave side of the interface, only when the address parameter could not be mapped to a slave, it will also return false.
class simple_bus_direct_if : virtual public sc_interface {...};
class simple_bus_non_blocking_if : virtual public sc_interface {...};
class simple_bus_blocking_if : virtual public sc_interface {...};
class simple_bus_arbiter_if : virtual public sc_interface {...};
class simple_bus_slave_if : public simple_bus_direct_if {...};
The bus is a hierarchical channel, providing the three different bus interfaces, and containing a clock port, an arbiter port and a (multi-)port for connecting one or more slaves.
class simple_bus : public simple_bus_direct_if , public simple_bus_non_blocking_if , public_simple_bus_blocking_if , public sc_module { sc_clk_in clock; sc_port<simple_bus_slave_if, 0> slave_port; sc_port<simple_bus_arbiter_if> arbiter_port; ... };
The implementation of the main process of the bus is a method process, using dynamic sensitivity for 'communicating' with the bus interface functions. The communication towards the slave interface does not use dynamic sensitivity.
The arbiter is a hierarchical channel that provides the simple_bus_arbiter_if interface.
class simple_bus_arbiter : public simple_bus_arbiter_if , public sc_module {...};
The testbench consists of an instantiation of the simple_bus with an arbiter, three masters and two slaves. Both slaves model a random access memory where the first memory does not have a wait state while the second memory has (some). The testbench contains three masters where each master issues only requests of a particular interface, like only issuing blocking interface function calls, only non-blocking interface function calls or only direct interface function calls.
Two kinds of memories are to be modeled: one without wait states and one with a configurable number of wait states.
The fast memory slave has no wait states and no clock port. It reacts immediately to the bus request and sets the status accordingly.
class simple_bus_fast_mem : public simple_bus_slave_if , public sc_module { public: // no ports
// constructor simple_bus_fast_mem(sc_module_name name, unsigned int start_address, unsigned int end_address) ... // interface methods ... };
The start_address points to the first byte of the first word in the memory of this slave and is a word aligned address, i.e. it has to be a multiple of 4. The end_address points to the last byte of the last word in the memory area of this slave, i.e. to address (start_address + storage_size_in_words * 4 - 1).
The slow memory slave has a configurable number of wait states (constructor argument), and contains a clock port. Once a request is made, the status is set to SIMPLE_BUS_WAIT, and a counter is set. Each rising clock edge this counter is decremented and checked, and if it becomes zero, the status is set to SIMPLE_BUS_OK. This status is picked up by the bus at the next falling clock edge.
// constructor simple_bus_slow_mem(sc_module_name name, unsigned int start_address, unsigned int end_address, unsigned int nr_wait_states) ... // interface methods ... };
The start_address points to the first byte of the first word in the memory of this slave and is a word aligned address, i.e. it has to be a multiple of 4. The end_address points to the last byte of the last word in the memory area of this slave, i.e. to address (start_address + storage_size_in_words * 4 - 1).
For the testbench three masters are defined, each using one bus interface: blocking, non-blocking or direct. The main_action of each master is a thread process.
// constructor simple_bus_master_non_blocking(sc_module_name name, unsigned int unique_priority, ...) ... };
In this example the non-blocking master reads data from a memory location, performs an arithmetic operation on this data and writes it back to memory. This happens in a loop so that the memory locations are at least changed each loop iteration.
// constructor simple_bus_master_blocking(sc_module_name name, unsigned int unique_priority, ...) ... };
Here the blocking master reads a block of data, performs the same arithmetic operations on the data as the non-blocking master, and writes it back to memory as a block. This master has a lower priority than the non-blocking master, to enable interrupts of higher prioritized requests during a burst mode transaction.
// constructor simple_bus_master_direct(sc_module_name name, ...) ... };
The direct master monitors some memory locations at distinct time intervals and prints them on the screen.
+---------+ +---------+ +---------+ | master | | master | | master | +-->| #1 |-->| #2 |-->| #3 | | +-- [*]---+ +---[*]---+ +---[*]---+ | | | | | +-------------+-------------+ | | | /--------------(.)--------------\ +->[*]/ simple_bus \ +----------+ | \ /[*]----(.)| arbiter | | \--------------[*]--------------/ +----------+ | | | | ____/ \____ clock / \ | | | | +--(.)--+ +--(.)--+ legend: | | slave | | slave | [*] : port +----------->| #1 | | #2 | (.) : interface +-------+ +-------+ Figure 1: the simple_bus with three masters, two slaves and the arbiter.
The testbench contains a bus with arbiter, three different masters, each supporting a specific bus interface, and two slaves modeling a memory without wait states (fast memory), and a memory with wait states (slow memory). The testbench is available as the hierarchical module simple_bus_test.
The testbench contains the clock channel 'C1' and the different instances. These instances are allocated in the simple_bus_test constructor and are configured by means of constructor arguments. The default argument is the name of the module, but for the masters and the slaves additional parameters must be specified.
The memories cover the byte address range [0:ff] where the first half of the address space ([0:7f])is covered by a fast memory, and the second half of the address space ([0x80:0xff]) is covered by a slow memory with 1 wait state:
simple_bus_fast_mem("mem_fast", // name 0x00, // start_address 0x7f); // end_address simple_bus_slow_mem("mem_slow", // name 0x80, // start_address 0xff, // end_address 1); // number of wait states
For the masters, the unique priority must be defined during construction time, except for the direct master. The priority is not directly checked during construction, but only during run time by the arbiter. If during the same cycle two or more request are issued with the same priority, the simulation will abort after issuing an error message:
simple_bus_master_blocking("master_b", 4, ...); // unique_priority = 4 simple_bus_master_non_blocking("master_nb", 3, ...); // unique_priority = 3
The simple_bus_test instance is instantiated in the sc_main routine and the simulation is started by the sc_start(10000) statement.
This is coded in the simple_bus_main.cpp file.
The three different masters issue bus requests independently of each other. A single request, but also multiple requests at the same cycle are possible. Each master has its own behavior.
The direct master serves as a monitor that reads at certain time intervals four adjacent memory locations and prints them on the output stream, using the direct bus interface.
With m_address = 0x78, and m_timeout = 100, the direct master performs:
if (m_verbose) sb_fprintf(stdout, "%f %s : mem[%x:%x] = (%x, %x, %x, %x)\n", sc_time_stamp(), name(), m_address, m_address+15, mydata[0], mydata[1], mydata[2], mydata[3]); wait(m_timeout, SC_NS); }
The parameters m_address and m_timeout are configurable by means of constructor arguments. Printing of the memory locations is enabled when m_verbose is set. Also that is configurable with a constructor argument.
The non-blocking master reads a word 'data' at byte address 'addr' from memory, using the non-blocking bus interface function and checks whether the operation is successful. 'data' is modified a little bit and written to the same 'addr' in memory. After 'm_timeout' the next iteration is started. Each iteration, 'addr' is set to the next word address.
With addr = 0x38, and m_timeout = 20, the non-blocking master performs:
mydata += cnt; cnt++; bus_port->write(m_unique_priority, &mydata, addr, m_lock); while ((bus_port->get_status(m_unique_priority) != SIMPLE_BUS_OK) && (bus_port->get_status(m_unique_priority) != SIMPLE_BUS_ERROR)) wait(); if (bus_port->get_status(m_unique_priority) == SIMPLE_BUS_ERROR) sb_fprintf(stdout, "%f %s : ERROR cannot write to %x\n", sc_time_stamp(), name(), addr); wait(m_timeout, SC_NS); wait(); // ... for the next rising clock edge addr+=4; // next word (byte addressing) if (addr > (m_start_address+0x80)) { addr = m_start_address; cnt = 0; } }
Initially, all bus interface function calls are not locked. The lock can be set by means of a constructor argument.
The blocking master reads a block of 'data' words at byte 'addr' and of word length 0x10 from memory, performs some arithmetic calculations on them, that takes 0x10 wait states, and writes the block of 'data' back to memory at 'addr'. Then it pauses 'm_timeout' nanoseconds before the next iteration starts.
With m_address = 0x4c and m_timeout = 300, the blocking master performs:
for (i = 0; i < mylength; ++i) { mydata[i] += i; wait(); } status = bus_port->burst_write(m_unique_priority, mydata, m_address, mylength, m_lock); if (status == SIMPLE_BUS_ERROR) sb_fprintf(stdout, "%f %s : blocking-write failed at address %x\n", sc_time_stamp(), name(), m_address); wait(m_timeout, SC_NS); }
Initially, all bus interface function calls are not locked. The lock can be set by means of a constructor argument.
The runtime behavior is best be monitored by inspection of the collection of pending requests at the arbiter, and the identification of the selected request. The arbiter is called each cycle when there are one or multiple requests pending. A burst request is split up in separate requests for each slave action.
Let R[p](-) be a request R of priority 'p' without a lock, and let R[p](+) be the same request, but now with a lock. For each cycle the list of requests is shown with the one selected.
- R[3](-) // single request, is selected
- R[3](-) R[4](-) // two requests, R[3](-) is selected according priority
- R[3](-) R[3](-) R[4](-) // error: two requests with the same priority. Abort, end of simulation!
It does not matter whether the request is part of a burst-request or just a non-blocking request. Each cycle the most appropriate (partial) request is selected. When R[4] is part of a burst-request, then it can be interrupted by R[3], due to a higher priority.
When the lock is set, the behavior is slightly different. Not for the first selection of a request but for the next one, issued by the same master.
1: R[3](+) 2: R[3](+) // single request for cycle 1 and 2, no conflicts
1: R[3](+) 2: R[4](+) // locked request at cycle 1, but is not followed by a next request. // R[4] is selected at cycle 2.
1: R[4](+) 2: R[3](-) R[4](+) // locked request at cycle 1: selected. Request is issued again at // cycle 2, so the lock is kept and the request with a higher priority // must wait.
1: R[4](+) 2: R[3](+) R[4](+) // locked request at cycle 1: selected. Request is issued again at // cycle 2, so R[4] is selected in cycle 2. R[3] must wait, regardless // the higher priority and its lock.