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Enterprise JavaBeans: Overview
- wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enterprise_JavaBeans
- EJB is a component which will be deployed to application server
- technically, it is a Java object which extends EJB class
- EJB class provides some services including:
- Transaction processing
- Integration with the persistence services offered by the Java Persistence API (JPA)
- Concurrency control
- Event-driven programming using Java Message Service and Java EE Connector Architecture
- Asynchronous method invocation
- Job scheduling
- Naming and directory services (JNDI)
- Interprocess Communication using RMI-IIOP and Web services
- Security (JCE and JAAS)
- Deployment of software components in an application server
- Provides transactional integrity -- ensures that some service (which includes call chains across network) to rollback when there is a failure
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