beacon - modrpc/info GitHub Wiki
- beacon is a small egg-shaped device which can be used for many purposes.
- it can trasmit pre-defined/programmed response to mother-devices
- mother-device can record the responses to compose a meaningful message to users
- becaon periodically emits signals to the mother-device so that mother-device can check its existence
- if it gets far enough from the mother-device, it alarms the mother-device
- kindergarden-field-trip, family-visits-park
- becaon can emit timestamp to mother-devices, mother-device can save timestamp -- e.g. for employee time clock system
- can be used for authentication purposes -- i.e. beacon is an id
- if beacon is nearby mother-device, i.e. n beacons are "physically-tied" to n mother-devices (say, cellphones), each mother-device can trasmit more powerful data (e.g. location data using cellphone's gps capability) to grandmother-device
- each beacon should have a unique id
- even if the battery is dead, it still contains circuitry which draws power from the "reader" to send useful information, including its id
- a beacon should be prorgammable -- i.e. user should be able to download a small piece of code (e.g. with functions with becaon library)
- battery should be either replaceable or rechargeable
- if not rechargeable, battery life should be at least 6 mos.
- if chargeable, should be wireless-chargeable and battery life should be at least 1 week
- for heavy-power-usages, it should be able to add "magnetic battery" attached to the beacon
- permanent storage (at least few MBs)
- bluetooth
- wifi
- rfid
- it should contain multiple sensors, which users can use for many differet purposes
- should at least beep
- mother-device, in most cases, are cellphones -- need apps to control beacons
- should glow for indication purposes
- tcplink (zigbee)
- marketing: hugh-kim, youngsup
- operations:
- each beacon contains an id
- mother-device can register id-usage into "cloud"
- develope "meta-usage" map