Microservices - modrpc/info GitHub Wiki
- Martin Fowler's page: http://martinfowler.com/articles/microservices.html
- Bounded Context: https://martinfowler.com/bliki/BoundedContext.html
- gizmo: a microservice toolkit from The New York Times ★
- go-micro: a microservices client/server library ★
- [h2: a microservices framework ★
- gotalk: async peer communication protocol & library
- Kite: a micro-service framework
- gocircuit: dynamic cloud orchestration (gocircuit.org)
- gokit: distributed programming toolkit https://gokit.io
- afex/hystrix-go: client-side latency and fault tolerance library
- armon/go-metrics: library for exporting performance and runtime metrics to external metrics systems
- codahale/lunk: structured logging in the style of Google's Dapper or Twitter's Zipkin
- eapache/go-resiliency: resiliency patterns
- sasbury/logging: a tagged style of logging
- grpc/grpc-go: HTTP/2 based RPC
- inconshreveable/log15: simple, powerful logging for Go ★
- mailgun/vulcand: programmatic load balancer backed by etcd
- mattheath/phosphor: distributed system tracing
- pivotal-golang/lager: an opinionated logging library
- rubyist/circuitbreaker: circuit breaker library
- Sirupsen/logrus: structured, pluggable logging for Go ★
- sourcegraph/appdash: application tracing system based on Google's Dapper
- spacemonkeygo/monitor: data collection, monitoring, instrumentation, and Zipkin client library
- streadway/handy: net/http handler filters
- vitess/rpcplus: package rpc + context.Context
- gdamore/mangos: nanomsg implementation in pure Go
There are several tools which make vendoring easier, including
In addition, Go kit uses a variety of continuous integration providers to find and fix compatibility problems as soon as they occur.