An MV message which is transferred between devices is a string (char *), which is in JSON format.
See for details on JSON. JSON allows to specify values of following complex types (in addition to primitive types such as numbers and strings)
array (ordered list of values):
[ 1 2 3 ]
object (unordered list of key-value pairs):
{ "key1" : "value1", "key2", "value2" }
An MV message is an JSON object, which contains at least two keys: tag, src, and arg
"tag" represents the type of the message sent
"src" represents the name of the device which sent this message
"arg" represents the payload associated the given message tag; the fields of the "arg" may differ depending on the message tag.
"arg" contains at least three keys: "name", "funarg", "retid"
"name" is the name of the function provided by the device which the message is sent to.
"funarg" is the argument for this function call request -- since value of "funarg" key van be an arbitrarily-complex JSON value
"retid" is a token used by the caller to associate the return value to its original caller. Note that unlike sequential programs, there can be multiple function calls alive at the time time -- some calls may be invoking the same function
Actually, one message tag FUNC_CALL may be enough.
However, let's we have only support one tag FUNC_CALL. Then we would require second-leve tag which specifies "which function" to call. After all, we would need all above tags.