1. Installation - modmore/Alpacka GitHub Wiki

When you'd like to use Alpacka in your MODX extra, you will need to install it through Composer. If you haven't used Composer before, we recommend to read the [https://getcomposer.org/doc/00-intro.md](Composer Getting Started Guide), which contains an introduction and installation instructions.

For MODX components, the general file structure typically looks like this:

- assets
  - components
    - packagename
- core
  - components
    - packagename
      - controllers
      - docs
      - elements
      - model
      - templates

While you're free to set this up as you'd like, we tend to put dependencies into core/components/packagename/model/vendor/. To do this, open your command line in the core/components/packagename/model/ folder and use the following command to install Alpacka:

composer require modmore/alpacka

That will download the relevant files into core/components/packagename/model/vendor/modmore/alpacka/, and also sets up an autoloader in core/components/packagename/model/vendor/autoload.php.

The next step is to extend the modmore/Alpacka/Alpacka in your own service class.