transformation - model-UA/papyrus-opcua-plugin GitHub Wiki
As Papyrus is based on using UML as its underlying metamodel and not using a different one, a some kind of transformation between UML and any other metamodel has to be done. To base of the transformation is the created UML Profile which defines which should define all relevant OPC UA NodeSet elements as stereotypes. This is done to ease the transformation, as now onlythe representation has to change and no transformation rules have to apply. In this case we now only read out the values of an Element and fill it into a OPC UA NodeSet member. The same steps are done for reading NodeSet files and updating the underlying UML model.
For more information on transforming UML to OPC UA NodeSet Models see this page and for transforming OPC UA NodeSet Models to UML see this page.
The Transformation module sends out events when transforming OPC UA Informationmodels into UML to update the Progressmonitor in the UI module. If desired other modules could also listen to that.