nodeset_schema - model-UA/papyrus-opcua-plugin GitHub Wiki

The generated classes are based on Opc.Ua.Types.xsd and UANodeSet.xsd. These files used as base for EMF Ecore genmodel files to generated Java Code.

Updating NodeSet scheme

To update the schema, replace the corresponding xsd fil inside the resources/schema folder. Then open the corresponding .genmodel file inside resources/genmodel folder, right click on the root element and execute reload.

In the dialog selec XML-Schema and hit next. Then an error will occur, as the Ecore plugins expects the corresponding schema file inside the genmodel directory. Just press OK and change the folder path to the xsd file and finish the process.

As there were probably some changes to the classes, the model code needs to regenerated. Therefore, right click on the root element and select Generate Model Code.

The generated code can be found inside the src-gen folder. These classes are used in multiple plugin projects and the use in all need to be checked/updated. If the new version is not compatible, the the plugin version and the dependencies of the other plugin project need to be updated. The changes of the schema files need to be incorporated into the UML profile, therefore please check out this wike page.

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