new_companion_specs - model-UA/papyrus-opcua-plugin GitHub Wiki

Adding a new Companion Specification

To add a new Compion Specification create a OPC UA Diagram with the name of the NodeSet file as the name of the model and the root element. Then use the "Update NodeSet" import option to load the content. All the containing elements of the NodeSet will be added to this model including the defined namespace.

Create a new folder in resources/libraries with the same name of the companion specification and copy the created project files including the NodeSet file.

To make the specification visible in Papyrus open the plugin.xml file inside and open the extensions tab. Add a new org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.extensionpoints.UMLLibrary extension and configure the paths accordingly.

Next open inside the package Add a new entry NAMESPACE_PACKAGE_MAPPING. Use the namespace URI as the key and the file location as value. The constant LIBRARIES_PATHMAP provides the location to the libraries folder inside the plugin.

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