diagram_ui - model-UA/papyrus-opcua-plugin GitHub Wiki


The UI module extends the context menu inside the model explorer. The Context Menu extensions are only visible if the underlying model is a UANodeSet Model, i.e. the model was created with within the OPC UA Architecture Domain.

Import Menu Extension

The "Update NodeSet" and "Import NodeSet Model" extend the import Context menu entry. Via the former a NodeSet xml file can be read an in and the underlying UML Model will be updated that it matches the NodeSet. The "Import NodeSet Model" loads a Model created with the OPC UA Architecture Domain and imports the package.

Progress Monitor

Via Events from the transformation module, the UI module is informed if a step progresses or is completed. This was implemented to give the user some feedback on how the update is doing. The way over events was chosen to keep the transformation plugin standalone and reduce cross references.

Export Menu Extension

The "Export NodeSet Informationmodel" allows the export of the NodeSet to a selectable location.

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