contribution_guidelines - model-UA/papyrus-opcua-plugin GitHub Wiki

Contribution Guidelines

You've found a Bug

We're always happy if somebody uses our software even if it is not perfect, so if you find a bug please create a issue and use the bug label. To make finding the bug easier please describe the steps to get the bug to appear as detailed as possible. If its possible we'd appreciate if you could also provide us your modelling files.

You'd like to have a feature

As for submitting bugs please create a issue and set the label feature request and describe your desired feature as detailed as possible. Unfortunately we're can't accept/implement all feature request, but we try to implement smaller features if there is enough time asap. On the other hand if you want to actively contribute, you can contribute by forking this repo and creating a Pull Request, we're happy about everybody who want to help and contribute.

Creating new branches

For workflow reasons, pushing directly to the master branch is deactivated and everything goes through branches.

  • If a new feature is implemented please create a branch feature/<issue-id>-<short-feature-description>
  • If a bug shall be fixed by this branch please call it bugfix/<issue-id>-<short-bug-description>
  • If the branch is for updating the documentation please name it documentation/<issue-id>-<short-description-what-gets-documented>
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