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How to instantiate a config object

each entry point of the application must instantiate a config object with an explicit path to a configuration file before any other mobyle module import. for instance:

import mobyle.common.config
cfg = mobyle.common.config.Config(file = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', 'development.ini')))

this will create a kind of singleton of the config object, so the other call to config just return this object. If you have a warning with the following message: No configuration file available, using defaults then you need to check carefully the config object.

Create a new MongoKit class

  • Create your class using MongoKit syntax ;-)
  • import object connection from the mobyle.common.connection module.
  • to register the class in mongokit add the decorator @connection.register
  • if you need to use an object from mongokit you need to import the corresponding module. The registration of the class in the mongokit connection is made at the import step.
  • If object need to be added to the web dashboard, on mobyle.web://mobyle/web/, add your object to the Dashboard.register() method call.

Following an example to use retrieve User object in mongo. If the module is an entry point of the application then instantiate a config object with a the path of a configuration file

  from mobyle.common.config import Config
  config = Config( os.path.join( os.path.dirname(__file__), 'test.conf'))

Import the Mongokit connection object

 from mobyle.common.connection import connection

By importing users all class in users which are decorated with @connection.register are registered in connection

  from mobyle.common import users

Use Mongokit to retrieve User:

 objects = connection.User.find({})

Travis status

Errbit logger

To configure a log handler with errbit, add airbrakepy to requirements and add to config file:

args=(api_key="xxx", environment="dev", component_name="mobyle", node_name="mytestserver", use_ssl=False, timeout_in_ms=3000, airbrake_url="http://localhost:3000/notifier_api/v2/notices")

Do not forget to call logging.shutdown() to clean the logging on application shudown