Response - mobvistateam/Offline-API GitHub Wiki

Two returned text format: json and xml, developers can obtain the appropriate format based on the needs of their own programs, developers need to pass parameters restype, json is default format returned.


  1. The returned ad list contains ad validity.
  2. The click url is only valid in a day, that is to say, clicks after the day you request will not be received.
  3. The returned number of ads may change, because there may be some ads between two requests is manually stopped.

Returned content includes following parameters:

Field Description Example
status Status code 100
describe The description of the status success
img Image url for src attribute
impression_url notify this URL when impression happens
trackurl Ad click link, notice that this url is within an hour of effective
campaign_id Campaign ID 127
trace_app_id App ID trace_app_id=com.tap4fun.spartanwar
preview_url Preview link preview_url=
payout Campaign payout $0.30
begintime Beginning time stamp of ad validity period 1389628800
endtime Ending time stamp of ad validity period 1389628800
icon_url Url of ad icon
allow_country Allowed countries of campaigns AF,AX,AL,AS,AD | ALL: means all country
allow_device Allowed devices of campaigns android, ios
cap Total cap of the campaign 1000000
video_urls Video of campaigns
ads_details Image and text of campaigns
title App name Wechat
appdesc App description Free texting, voice messages, and video calls in your pocket
appsize App size 8.2
startrate App scores in Google Play 4.5
category App category Application
appinstall Number of app installation in Google Play 500,000,000 – 1,000,000,000
link_type the link type of app googleplay/apk/other

Important: Add device Information in the trackurl:

When user click the trackurl, you need add {android device id} & {imei} & {google advertising id} with the real value of the user device, sub_id(sub channel id), and jump to the url.


  1. What is Google Advertising ID?
  2. The conversion figure can not be matched if the androidId ,imei or idfa is wrong.

JSON Response Example

{"status":1000,"describe":"success","campaigns":{"campaign_133":{"campaign_id":"133","trace_app_id":"com.tap4fun.spartanwar","preview_url":"https:\/\/\/store\/apps\/details?id=com.tap4fun.spartanwar","trackurl":"http:\/\/\/click?p=eyJja......lmIn0%3D","payout":".6","begintime":"1396022400","endtime":"1427644799","icon_url":"http:\/\/\/common\/201403\/201403291044087458_128X128.png","title":"FarmVille-US","appdesc":"More addictive than Clash of Clans, Join now!","appsize":"48","startrate":"4.3","category":"Game","appinstall":"1000-2000","allow_country":"GB","allow_device":"android","cap":"1000000","video_urls":{"video_2004":"","video_2007": ""},"ads_details":{"image_0":"http:\/\/\/common\/201403\/201403291044459009_320X50.jpg"}}}}

XML Response Example

<title>Texas Poker Th</title>    
<appdesc>app describtion</appdesc>    
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