Working with git - mnth-titan-robotics/titan-2020 GitHub Wiki


Downloading to your computer

  1. git clone

Creating a new branch

  1. Switch to master - git checkout master
  2. Download all of the updates that have been made to master since you last used it - git pull origin master
  3. Create your branch - git branch foo

Writing robot code

  1. Switch to the branch you want to work on - git checkout foo
  2. Write code
  3. Add any new files you created to be tracked by git - git add .
  4. Commit your changes - git commit -am "your commit message"
  5. Push your changes to GitHub - git push origin foo

Creating pull requests (PRs)

  1. Go to the Branches page for this repository
  2. Find your branch - e.g. foo - and click "New pull request"
  3. Click "Reviewers" and add everyone on this project as a reviewer. You can find the full list below.
  4. Click "Create pull request"

Merging pull requests

  1. Message the programming team on Slack to let them know that there is a PR up for review
  2. When two people have approved your PR, click "Squash and merge"
  3. Everyone who's working in other branches need to pull in the changes - git pull origin master


  • adrianantonmasloc
  • bohdi00707
  • kchenweijie
  • kindelin