7. Playtest 2 - mmenke42/QuakeDeathmatch GitHub Wiki

Using the second iteration of my map, we did another playtesting session. Afterwards, players filled out the same survey from last time.

I made the level a little bit bigger, as well as added more points of cover, and a balcony area to add more gameplay variety.

Survey 2 Summary Link

Playtest 1 vs Playtest 2


Average went down from 8.17 to 6.5.


Average went down from 9 to 6.5.


Average went up from 8 to 8.5.


This playtest went a lot worse than I expected. Players did not enjoy the changes I implemented, or they did not significantly impact the gameplay.

  1. I should decrease the map size so that players can interact more.
  2. The added amount of cover improved sightlines, but overall made it hard for players to tell where they were in the level.