Day 4 - mmar8/Acebook-Team_404 GitHub Wiki

Day 4: Plan

We had yesterdays Retro and todays Stand Up in one morning meeting as we weren't able to have a Retor yesterday. This meeting was observed by Alice Lieutier (Coach), who gave us feedback.


Yesterday we completed the ticketing and estimating on Trello, Luke and Kate had different ideas as to how this should be done and a compromise was made. Jules almost completed the tricky Travis integration and there were only 2 outstanding issues by the end of the day. Ali was not able to attend this meeting but we understand that he has a good understand of what we need to do with Heruko.


The plan for today was that Jules and Kate continue with Travis, asking the rest of the cohort and seniors for help where possible. If they are unable to get any further by lunchtime, to seek help from the coaches after lunch. Luke and Maria to start addressing the outstanding problem with the missing functionality, again asking questions where appropriate and possibly also a change of plan after lunch if no progress has been made.


The feedback that we got from the coach was that we don't appear to have a group wide consensus in terms of whether we power through individually and get features working or work continuously as a group. She also felt that we weren't providing feedback to each other. Both valid points that we have taken on board.