Markdown_Latex_Issues - mltheory/CS7545 GitHub Wiki

What is the purpose of this page?

This page is meant to be a shortcut to prevent people from having to google the same issues multiple times, and to collect note-taking knowledge in one place. Feel free to either add new issues as you come across them, expand the list of solutions to existing issues, or add resources you think are helpful.

Issue Table:

The following table is an ongoing list of known difficulties with combining Latex and Markdown. This does not have to be limited to major bugs - minor inconveniences and unintuitive interactions may still be helpful for other students. In general use your best judgement to determine what will be of use to others.

Issue Name Description Solution
Use of | in tables Github Markdown uses | to separate table entries Escape the character using \|
Use of _ in Latex equations Github Markdown uses underscores for italics; This takes precedence over parsing latex for subscripts Either escape the character as "_" or include a trailing space if you are writing in latex. For example, $||x||\_2$ should instead be $||x||\_2$ or $||x||_ 2$
Use of * in Latex equations Github Markdown uses * for italics and bold; This takes precedence over parsing latex equations. Escape the character using \*
Latex blocks wrapped within a display equation Github Markdown requires latex to be enclosed either with $ for inline equations or $$ for display equations. If you use latex environments (for example align or equation blocks), remember to enclose them in $$ when converting to markdown.
Cannot display curly braces { and } Tried $\{$ with $\}$, but nothing is appearing Use \\{
Use of \begin{align*}\end{align*} in Latex equations Enclosing them in $$ does not work Enclose them with ```math ``` instead

Resources and References:

The following table is designated to be a list of resources to help resolve future questions.

Resource Resource description
Linked tutorial for combining Markdown and Latex This is the document listed as a tutorial on the home page of the wiki, provided by the professor.
Github Flavored Markdown specification A document discussing some of the specifications for github flavored markdown, the specific kind of markdown used by this wiki.