Final Paper - mlloyd23/bio211_JAN2018 GitHub Wiki

You will write the methods and results section of one of the labs we completed this month (but not the Human Physiology lab because you already wrote about that). This is due in hard copy on the last day of class.

These are the criteria I will be grading you on:

  • Methods include the appropriate amount of detail so an independent investigator could re-run the experiment
  • Results include a concise overall summary of the collected results
  • Results include 2 independently run analyses and 2 independently generated plots (with appropriate legends)
  • Results report analyses and plots in text and do not include interpretation

I am only asking you to write the methods and results section so anything that would be included in the introduction (for example, motivation of the study, hypothesis, etc.) or discussion (interpretation of results) is not necessary to include.

Format of final paper


Experimental design

Data collected

Data Analysis


Overall summary

Results of analyses (refer to figures or tables in text)

Figures with legends