Glossary - mlefevre/citizenPressAgency GitHub Wiki


To define terms used in the analysis.

User related

  • Creator
  • Editor
  • Reviewer
  • Corporate
    This kind of user pay a subscription for acceding the platform and have the opportunity to buy a publication right on released articles.
  • Contributor
    User registered on the platform and having already contributed by the redaction of a published article.

Articles statuses

  • Draft
    The article is under writing process and is only available for its creator and his eventual mentor and selected editors.
  • Open for review
    The article has been written down and validated by its creator and is now available for selected reviewers.
  • Released
    The article have been favorably reviewed by enough reviewer and is now available for the community of contributor and corporate users. After a few days (TBD) it will be published
  • Published
    The article has been release for a few days and is now available for consultation to anyone.