Assignment 6 - ml5js/Intro-ML-Arts-IMA-F24 GitHub Wiki
- Review Week 9 materials.
- Complete the assignment as described on the Week 9 page and post a link to your work below. (Due before next class)
Post your work
(Please note you are welcome to post under a pseudonym and/or password protect your published assignment. For NYU blogs, privacy options are covered in the NYU Wordpress Knowledge Base. Finally, if you prefer not to post your assignment at all here, you may email the submission.)
- Name - [blog post title](blog post url), [p5 sketch title](p5 sketch URL)
- Luna - Week 6: LLM
- Clarissa - Week 6: Random Recipe
- Yiwa(Eva) He - Week 6: Travel Plan
- Christina Wu - Week 6: LLM&Markov
- Kaitlyn - Week 6: LLMs + personas
- Noah - Week 6:
- Sophia - Week 6: Ollama
- Tamara - Week 6: LLM
- Leah - Assignment 6: LLM
- Claire - Week 6: Ollama
- Ava - Assignment 6: Markov
- Patrik - Week 06: Ollama Exploration
- Alina - Week 6: LLM