The Developers Don't Care About My Issue - mkulicke/k-9 GitHub Wiki
The title of this page is false. We do care about all the issues in the tracker - they are all things which aren't perfect about K9 Mail, after all. The tricky thing is, there are a lot of issues (1046 as of August 2011), and many of them are critically important to someone.
We don't have unlimited time. We're all volunteers here, and as such we tend to focus on the bugs which matter most to us as users. We do however pay attention to bugs that lots of users have starred, so if you're interested in a feature or a bugfix, please star it. We are always happy to accept patches, even from beginners -- we were all beginners once too.
So if there's something that you urgently, life-changingly want to see, drop by the IRC channel or developer mailing list and try digging into the code a bit. We'll help you get started.