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This Application was written for iOS Devices using version 8.0 and up.
The app itself was a project that I was guided through as a part of my enrollment in the iOS Developer Nanodegree managed by Udacity. The first course, titled "Intro to iOS App Development with Swift" was meant to establish a basic understanding of the iOS ecosystem, and develop working knowledge of Swift, Apple’s programming language created exclusively for iOS and OS X development.
Here are some of the skills I developed while taking this course:
- get up and running with Xcode, use it to program iOS apps.
- learn to read Swift code and identify important syntax.
- create a simplified app by adding buttons, images, and text.
- learn about MVC (Model-View-Controller) architecture and its usage in app development.
- learn how to smoothly transition between two screens in an app.
- learn about the View Lifecycle - including how to load different objects in an app and how to handle low memory-related events.
- play a short audio clip
- tinker with the clip to make it play really fast and really slow.
- learn to record your voice
- learn to send data between views
- replace playback of static sound clip with dynamically recorded audio
- explore the idea of Delegates
- learn to alter the pitch
Although not a part of the course, I also gained experience provisioning and testing apps on devices by modifying the run environment (scheme) in the Xcode IDE settings.
I also learned about these iOS Frameworks/Classes:
- UIButton
- UILabel
- NSLayoutConstraint
- UIView
- UIViewController
- AVAudioPlayer
- AVAudioRecorder
- AVAudioEngine
- AVAudioPlayerNode
- AVAudioUnitTimePitch
Find more info about the class here: Intro to iOS App Development with Swift - link