fb_force_hvxy - mkraska/meclib GitHub Wiki

Detailled feedback for "force" names. The following checks are done until the first one fails:

  • Basename consists of a single character?
  • Is there a direction index?
  • Is the index a single character?
  • Is the index one of x, y, h(orizontal), v(ertical)?
  • Does the index match the actual direction?

The function is used by fb_fix123_names(), see Feedback for "fix123"

Example question: FBD Tutorial Einspannung (I) at abacus.aalto.fi/develop/4.4beta

[txt, isOK]: fb_force_hvxy(o,i):

  • txt feedback text
  • isOK boolean to indicate all checks passed
  • o list of objects
  • i index of the force in the list of objects
fb_force_hvxy(o,i):=block([dir, name, nl, base, idx],
    name: o[i][2], nl: split(name,"_"),
    /* base name single character? */
    if slength(first(nl)) > 1 
    then return([sconcat("\\(", name, "\\): Physikalische Gr&ouml;&szlig;en immer nur mit einem Buchstabe und eventuell Index schreiben, z.B. <code>F_1</code>." ),false]),
    /* is there an index? */
    if length(nl) # 2 
    then return([sconcat("\\(", name, "\\) sollte einen Richtungsindex (x, y, h, v) haben."),false]),
    /* are name and index just a single character? */
    idx: last(nl),
    if slength(idx) > 1 
    then return([sconcat("\\(", name, "\\): Ein Buchstabe sollte für den Index reichen." ),false]),
    /* is the index known? */
    if not member(sdowncase(idx), ["h","v","x","y"]) 
    then return([sconcat("\\(", name, "\\): Der Richtungsindex sollte h, v, x oder y sein"),false]),
    /* check directions */
    dir: direction(o[i]),
    if (sdowncase(idx)="h" and abs(dir[2]) > 0.01) then
    return([sconcat("\\(", name, "\\) m&uuml;sste eine horizontale Kraft bezeichnen."),false]),   
    if (sdowncase(idx)="v" and abs(dir[1]) > 0.01) then
    return([sconcat("\\(", name, "\\) m&uuml;sste eine vertikale Kraft bezeichnen."),false]),         
    if (sdowncase(idx)="x" and (abs(dir[2]) > 0.01 or dir[1] <0) ) then
    return([sconcat("\\(", name, "\\) m&uuml;sste eine Kraft in positive x-Richtung (nach rechts) bezeichnen."),false]),         
    if (sdowncase(idx)="y" and (abs(dir[1]) > 0.01 or dir[2] <0) ) then
    return([sconcat("\\(", name, "\\) m&uuml;sste eine Kraft in positive y-Richtung (nach oben) bezeichnen."),false]),  
    /* Name is ok */

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