Data Extraction - mkraska/meclib GitHub Wiki

Select Objects by Property

Given an object list:

obj: [

and the associated names

names: [0,0,0,"locked",[12],[10,11],"show",0,"show",A_v,A_h,B];

We want to extract entries by properties:

All forces:

sublist_indices (objects, lambda ([x], x[1]="force")); results in: [10,11,12]

All active forces

sublist (objects, lambda ([x], last(x)="active" and x[1]="force")); results in [10,11,12]

length(sublist_indices (obj, lambda ([x], x[1]="force" and last(x)="active"))); results in 3.

Force B

sublist_indices (objects, lambda ([x], x[1]="force" and x[2]="B")); results in [12]

Number of forces at object with given index

num: length( sublist_indices (names[index], lambda ([x], obj[x][1]="force" ) ) ); for index=5 results in 1 and for index=6 results in 2

Indices of forces at fixed support A

names[sublist_indices (objects, lambda ([x], x[1]="fix12" and x[2]="A"))[1]]; results in [10,11]

active vertical force with name A_v

sublist_indices (objects, lambda ([x], last(x)="active" and x[1]="force" and (x[4]-x[3])[1]=0 and x[2]="A_v")); results in [10]