"line" - mkraska/meclib GitHub Wiki

[ "line", "color", [x1, x2,...], [y1, y2,...] ,dash, th ]

polyline with optional dash style and thickness

  • "color" color of the line, string. If empty (""), "black" is used.
  • [x1, x2,...], [y1, y2,...] lists of x and y values. Must have same length.
  • dash (optional, defaults to "-") line style. possible values: "-", "--", ".", "-." (self explaining)
  • th (optional, default: 0.8) thickness in pixel



  [ "grid", "x","y", -5,5,-4,5, 50 ],
  [ "line", "", [1, 2,3,4], [1,2,2,1] ],
  [ "line", "red", [2,3], [1,1],"--", 3 ]