"fix1" - mkraska/meclib GitHub Wiki

[ "fix1", "name", [x, y], angle, state ]

floating bearing with label, horizontal base line for angle = 0

  • "name" label, typeset in MathJax math mode.
  • [x, y] pivot point
  • angle angle counter-clockwise from horizontal direction, in °
  • state (optional, default: "locked") "hide" or "show". If missing, object can't be switched interactively.

See Feedback for "fix1" for feedback functions in free body diagrams.


  [ "grid", "","", -5,5,-4,5, 50, [10,10], [0,0] ],
  [ "fix1", "A", [-2, 2], 0 ],
  [ "label", "pivot point", [-2.5,2.3] ],
  [ "fix1", "B", [0, 2], -45 ],
  [ "label", "pivot point", [-0.5,2.3] ],
  [ "fix1", "C", [2, 2], -90 ],
  [ "label", "pivot point", [2,2.3] ]