"circle2p" - mkraska/meclib GitHub Wiki

[ "circle2p", "label1","label2", [x1,y1],[x2,y2], f ]

circle with two draggable perimeter points, meant for Mohr's circle construction. The intersections between x-axis and circle have an infobox (coordinate display) and are exposed as snap targets for the control points of "line2p". The precision of coordinate display is controlled by the "grid" object.

The object returns a list of scaled co-ordinates [ [x1,y1], [x2,y2] ] to the names input field.

  • label1, label2 labels for the two control points
  • [x1,y1], [x2,y2] initial locations of the control points (in scaled units)
  • f scale factor for grid units (obsolete since 2022 04 25, because scaling for dynamic display is made by default).

See also "line2p" for draggable line and "grid" and Dynamic display of coordinates for grid scaling.


    [ "grid", "x","y", -2,3,-2,2, 40,  [5, 5],  [2,2] ],
    [ "circle2p", "P1","P2", [-5,-5],[5,5] ,10]