Send Methods - mkotb/Telegram-Errors GitHub Wiki

Send methods generally have the same fields and return the same errors for them, this page is a reference for them.


If not provided, Telegram will return chat_id is empty

If the bot doesn't have access to the chat, or it doesn't exist, Telegram will return chat not found


If the message id is invalid, Telegram will return message not found


Refer to Markup errors

InputFile parameters

These are parameters which accept Files either as a direct upload or, as a file id. If an invalid file id is sent, Telegram will return Wrong persistent file_id specified: contains wrong characters or has wrong length. This means either the string is invalid or the id doesn't exist on their servers.

If the InputFile is too large (>50MB), Telegram will send the following response from NGINX:

    <title>413 Request Entity Too Large</title>

  <body bgcolor=`white`>
      <h1>413 Request Entity Too Large</h1>

Refer to the corresponding method documentation itself to see the API's characteristics of managing the file uploaded.


These are for captionable types such as photos and videos. If the caption is over 200 characters long, Telegram will return MEDIA_CAPTION_TOO_LONG


These are used in types such as audio, and video. If specified a negative number, it will be changed to zero. The max duration is 86400. If more is specified, it will be set to 86400.

⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️