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jsToolbox Wiki
Name | Description |
isEmpty() | Checks if that array is empty or not. |
isNotEmpty() | Checks if that array is NOT empty. |
Name | Description |
padLeft() | Returns the number as string with a minimum length with padding chars at the beginning. |
Name | Description |
endsWith() | Checks if that string ends with a specific expression. |
format() | Handles that string as formatted string. |
formatArray() | Handles that string as formatted string. |
isEmpty() | Checks if that string is empty or not. |
isNotEmpty() | Checks if that string is NOT empty. |
isNullOrWhitespace() | Checks if a string is (null) or contains whitespaces only. |
isWhitespace() | Checks if that string contains whitespaces only. |
padLeft() | Returns that string as string with a minimum length with padding chars at the beginning. |
startsWith() | Checks if that string starts with a specific expression. |
trim() | Trims the whitespaces from that string. |
trimLeft() | Trims the whitespaces from that string on the left side. |
trimRight() | Trims the whitespaces from that string on the right side. |
ucwords() | Uppercase the first character of each word in that string. |
Name | Description |
pageLoaded | Is fired when page was completely loaded. |
Name | Description |
asFunc() | Keeps sure to return an object as (getter) function. |
asJQuery() | Keeps sure to return an object as jQuery (wrapped) object. |
buildBatch() | Creates an object that builds and handles a batch invokation. |
eval() | Executes JavaScript code globally. |
invoke() | Invokes a function inside a try-catch block and returns the result as object. |
invokeArray() | Invokes a function inside a try-catch block and returns the result as object. The arguments for the function are submitted as array. |
isArray() | Checks if an object is an array or not. |
isFunc() | Checks if an object is a function or not. |
isJQuery() | Checks if an object is a jQuery object or not. |
isString() | Checks if an object is a string or not. |
openPopup() | Opens a popup window. |
registerForFileUpload() | Registers a HTML form for custom file upload handling. |
toStringSafe() | Converts/casts an object to a non-(null) string. |
trim() | Trims the whitespaces of a string. |
trimLeft() | Trims the whitespaces of a string on the left side. |
trimRight() | Trims the whitespaces of a string on the right side. |
waitForPage() | Waits until the page has been loaded and initialized and invokes an action after that. |
Name | Description |
$ | Gets the jQuery object / function. |
body | Gets the jQuery selector for the BODY-tag of the current HTML document. |
head | Gets the jQuery selector for the HEAD-tag of the current HTML document. |
jQuery | Gets the jQuery object / function. |
noop | Gets a dummy function. |
now | Gets the current time. |
nowUTC | Gets the current time in UTC. |
Name | Description |
addElement() | Adds an element selector to jsToolboxMJK.page.elements by default. |
addOnLoaded() | Adds an action for pageLoaded event. |
addVar() | Adds a variable / property to jsToolboxMJK.page.vars by default. |
Name | Description |
elements | Stores page specific elements / jQuery selectors. |
funcs | Stores page specific functions. |
lang | Handles language specific operations. |
vars | Stores page specific variables. |
Request context
Name | Description |
GET | Storage for GET / query variables. |