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Name Description
isEmpty() Checks if that array is empty or not.
isNotEmpty() Checks if that array is NOT empty.


Name Description
padLeft() Returns the number as string with a minimum length with padding chars at the beginning.


Name Description
endsWith() Checks if that string ends with a specific expression.
format() Handles that string as formatted string.
formatArray() Handles that string as formatted string.
isEmpty() Checks if that string is empty or not.
isNotEmpty() Checks if that string is NOT empty.
isNullOrWhitespace() Checks if a string is (null) or contains whitespaces only.
isWhitespace() Checks if that string contains whitespaces only.
padLeft() Returns that string as string with a minimum length with padding chars at the beginning.
startsWith() Checks if that string starts with a specific expression.
trim() Trims the whitespaces from that string.
trimLeft() Trims the whitespaces from that string on the left side.
trimRight() Trims the whitespaces from that string on the right side.
ucwords() Uppercase the first character of each word in that string.



Name Description
pageLoaded Is fired when page was completely loaded.


Name Description
asFunc() Keeps sure to return an object as (getter) function.
asJQuery() Keeps sure to return an object as jQuery (wrapped) object.
buildBatch() Creates an object that builds and handles a batch invokation.
eval() Executes JavaScript code globally.
invoke() Invokes a function inside a try-catch block and returns the result as object.
invokeArray() Invokes a function inside a try-catch block and returns the result as object. The arguments for the function are submitted as array.
isArray() Checks if an object is an array or not.
isFunc() Checks if an object is a function or not.
isJQuery() Checks if an object is a jQuery object or not.
isString() Checks if an object is a string or not.
openPopup() Opens a popup window.
registerForFileUpload() Registers a HTML form for custom file upload handling.
toStringSafe() Converts/casts an object to a non-(null) string.
trim() Trims the whitespaces of a string.
trimLeft() Trims the whitespaces of a string on the left side.
trimRight() Trims the whitespaces of a string on the right side.
waitForPage() Waits until the page has been loaded and initialized and invokes an action after that.


Name Description
$ Gets the jQuery object / function.
body Gets the jQuery selector for the BODY-tag of the current HTML document.
head Gets the jQuery selector for the HEAD-tag of the current HTML document.
jQuery Gets the jQuery object / function.
noop Gets a dummy function.
now Gets the current time.
nowUTC Gets the current time in UTC.



Name Description
addElement() Adds an element selector to jsToolboxMJK.page.elements by default.
addOnLoaded() Adds an action for pageLoaded event.
addVar() Adds a variable / property to jsToolboxMJK.page.vars by default.


Name Description
elements Stores page specific elements / jQuery selectors.
funcs Stores page specific functions.
lang Handles language specific operations.
vars Stores page specific variables.

Request context


Name Description
GET Storage for GET / query variables.