Connecting to SQL Server from RHEL 6 or Centos 7 - mkleehammer/pyodbc GitHub Wiki
Microsoft provide database drivers specifically for Red Hat Enterprise to connect to SQL Server ( CentOS is derived from Red Hat so the same driver will usually work with CentOS just as well. Version 13.0 works with Red Hat 6 and 7. The following instructions are for version 13 only.
Note: Check this link ...
Installing the Microsoft ODBC Driver for SQL Server on Linux and macOS
... for the most up-to-date information on installing the ODBC driver itself.
# Add the RHEL 6 library for Centos-7 of MSSQL driver. Centos7 uses RHEL-6 Libraries.
sudo su
curl > /etc/yum.repos.d/mssql-release.repo
# Uninstall if already installed Unix ODBC driver
sudo yum remove unixODBC-utf16 unixODBC-utf16-devel #to avoid conflicts
# Install the msodbcsql unixODBC-utf16 unixODBC-utf16-devel driver
sudo ACCEPT_EULA=Y yum install msodbcsql
#optional: for bcp and sqlcmd
sudo ACCEPT_EULA=Y yum install mssql-tools
echo 'export PATH="$PATH:/opt/mssql-tools/bin"' >> ~/.bash_profile
echo 'export PATH="$PATH:/opt/mssql-tools/bin"' >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc
# optional: for unixODBC development headers
sudo yum install unixODBC-devel
# the Microsoft driver expects unixODBC to be here /usr/lib64/, so add soft links to the '.so.2' files
cd /usr/lib64
sudo ln -s
sudo ln -s
sudo ln -s
# Set the path for unixODBC
export ODBCINI=/usr/local/etc/odbc.ini
export ODBCSYSINI=/usr/local/etc
source ~/.bashrc
# Prepare a temp file for defining the DSN to your database server
vi /home/user/odbcadd.txt
Driver = ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server
Description = My MS SQL Server
Trace = No
Server =
# register the SQL Server database DSN information in /etc/odbc.ini
sudo odbcinst -i -s -f /home/user/odbcadd.txt -l
# check the DSN installation with:
odbcinst -j
cat /etc/odbc.ini
# should contain a section called [MyMSSQLServer]
# install the python driver for database connection
pip install pyodbc
Additionally You can check the following 2 website for connection