TODO - mkiyer/mitranscriptome GitHub Wiki


  • Clean up CSS in home.html - move to separate CSS file
  • Move all javascript from home.html to app.js
  • We have greatly simplified the 'Select Transcripts' interface. Now we are planning to have just have one table for each cancer type (rather than LATs, CATs, and CLATs). So the select transcripts interface can skip the first step of choosing LATs, CATs, CLATs and go directly to choosing a cancer type.


  • Connect clicking on a cancer type in the Select Transcripts page to loading the relevant table.
  • We are planning to change to one table per tissue type, so there's no need for the 'cat', 'lat', 'clat' designation any longer. We should prepare the metadata table for the candidates accordingly.
  • Define which fields will be displayed in the transcript table
  • Add a column to transcript table with a link to a transcript view modal.