Philadelphia Planning - mjumbewu/BGC GitHub Wiki

Philadelphia Planning

21 Feb 2012

We will start with a brainstorming session to determine what we want the program to look like out here, who we want to attract, where we might recruit from, what resources we might need, and how we can begin to get them. For that session we need:

  • A place to meet (maybe on Temple?)
  • A date/time to meet (use Doodle to schedule a time)
  • Some snacks/refreshments
  • An agenda (or just timeboxed topics of discussion)
    • Name of the program
    • Where can we target for students (schools? ages? how many?)
    • Curriculum (just programming? games? robots? language?)
    • Teachers (pay somebody?)
    • Funding (what do we need funds for? how much?)
    • Anything else?
⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️