GUI options - mjsull/HapFlow GitHub Wiki
File Menu
Create Flows
Selecting "create flow file" will open a menu that allows you to create a Flow file using a sorted BAM file and a VCF file. A location to save the Flow file must also be designated. For more details on creating a Flow File please see creating a flow file.
Change max. variants
Change the maximum number of variants shown. Flow file must be reloaded after selecting this option. Default is 2 max. variants (3 rows: 2 variants + 1 error). Variants above the max. variants value will be treated as errors. (i.e. If max. variants is set to 2 and a site has 3 alleles the third most common allele will be grouped with the errors).
Load Flows
Loads a flow file and visualizes the haplotype profile in the main window.
Tools menu
Goto Base
Go to a user selected base position in the haplotype profile.
Create Image
Create a Scalar Vector Graphics (SVG) file of the current window.
Select OTU
Select which operational taxonomic unit (OTU) to mark. This can be used to mark out a haplotype profile to separate reads.
Write OTUs
Write OTUs to BAM files. Select BAM file from which the flow file was created and a prefix for output bam files. Output files will be named prefix.1.bam for the alignments from the first OTU, prefix.2.bam for alignments from the second OTU etc.
View Menu
Hide gapped
Hides the lines that represent gaps in the reads
Show gapped
Shows the lines that represent gaps in the reads
Stretch X
Extends x-axis of the display window.
Shrink X
Shrinks the x-axis of the display window.
Stretch Y
Extends y-axis of the display window.
Shrink Y
Shrinks the y-axis of the display window.
Provides version details about HapFlow.
Links to the HapFlow wiki.
Citing HapFlow
Citation information.
Context Menus
Right clicking on a flow will bring up a variety of options.
Provides the position in the alignment of the highlighted variant, the direction and number of the reads.
Get flow readnames
Outputs the name of the reads in the selected flow as a textfile.
Write flow to BAM
Outputs the read of the selected flow as a BAM file.
Get group readnames
Outputs the name of the reads in the selected group as a textfile.
Write group to BAM
Outputs the read of the selected group as a BAM file.
Key bindings
(d) Stretch X
Extends x-axis of the display window.
(a) Shrink X
Shrinks the x-axis of the display window.
(w) Stretch Y
Extends y-axis of the display window.
(s) Shrink Y
Shrinks the y-axis of the display window.