Hardware setup - mjp-2013/bbqTemp GitHub Wiki
Current hardware
- Raspberry PI (I use B model with 512mb ram)
- Fan and external power supply
- Thermocouple K-type sensor
- ULN2803 based darlington driver for Fan controlling (I use Minipiio ULN2803 board http://zuzebox.wordpress.com/2012/06/24/minipiio-uln2803-v0-10/ )
- The Fan and external power (5-12v) is connected to Minipiio ULN2803 board.
- External power + and fan + is connected to Minipiio CM pin
- External power - is connected to Minipiio GND
- Fan - is connected to Minipiio P0
- Led will be added later to P0 (before darlington driver) and GND to show when Fan is running.
- Dallas semiconductor DS1820 temperature sensor (used for ambient temperature logging) will be added to GPIO P4 pin.
- Thermocouple MAX31855 break out board. (I use Adafruit Thermocouple Amplifier MAX31855 breakout board http://www.adafruit.com/products/269)
- The adafruit board is connected to Minipiio ULN2803 board.
- Adafruit board : Vin/3vo to 3.3V on Rpi
- Adafruit board : GND to GND on Rpi
- Adafruit board : DO to MISO (GPIO pin 21) on Rpi
- Adafruit board : CS to CE1 (GPIO pin 26) on Rpi
- Adafruit board : CLK to SCLK (GPIO pin 23) Rpi
- Another MAX 31855 break out board will be added to measure meat temperature.