Installation - mjordan/pkppln GitHub Wiki

Installing the PKP PLN. First, make sure you really want to do this - You probably don't. Seriously, do you really need this?

Most of these instructions come from the .travis.yml file.

Clone the code from

Install the required modules:

pip -q install -r requirements.txt

Copy the config sample config file to one that will be found automatically (git should always ignore the config.cfg file):

cp config_test.cfg config.cfg

Edit the config file. Swear at vi.

Create a database, and a database user. Set up permissions for the database user. Load the database structure and default set of terms:

  1. mysql -e 'create database pkppln;'
  2. mysql -e "grant all on pkppln.* to pkppln@localhost identified by 'XXXXXXX"
  3. mysql pkppln < pkppln.sql
  4. mysql pkppln < terms.sql
  5. sudo mysql -e "grant all on pkppln.* to pkppln@localhost identified by 'XXXXXXXXXX'"

Make sure the server can write to the log file, as defined in the config file:

  1. sudo touch /var/log/pkppln_server.log
  2. sudo chmod a+w /var/log/pkppln_server.log

Make a place for the staging server to store and process deposits, as defined in the config file in the processing_root variable, and give the webserver permissions on it:

  1. mkdir /var/pkppln
  2. chown apache /var/pkppln

Fire up the server:

python > /var/log/pkppln_server.log 2>&1 &

It takes a second or two to start.

And it should be up and running. The terms admin UI should be running at /admin/terms/list_terms

For testing, we've set up a separate database, and use the pkppln_test.sql database dump file.