[ ⚔⚔ ] Board Setup - mjnrock/fuzzyknights-boardgame GitHub Wiki

Board Setup

There can be up to four (4) Players per Game Board (Map). If multiple Maps are being used, Players can choose how to align them.

TIP: Choosing different ways to align multiple Maps will change how the strategy of the game will play out (e.g. 4 Maps in a line configuration, versus 4 Maps in a square configuration, etc.)


Choose a banker(s) by whatever method you wish (e.g. a designated banker, self-banking, etc.)

Token Placement

There are four (4) different types of tokens that will be dropped or placed randomly (Players' choice) on the board for setup.

Token Symbol Quantity
Item 🎁 3 x Player Count
Resource 💰 4 x Player Count
Monster 🧟 4 x Player Count
Mine ⚒️ 3 x Player Count


Total Players: 3

Token Symbol Quantity
Item 🎁 9
Resource 💰 12
Monster 🧟 12
Mine ⚒️ 9

Determine the Anchor

Every Player will roll 1d6. The highest roll becomes the Anchor and Player turn-order will proceed counter clockwise from the Anchor. In the event of ties on the highest rolls, those Players continue to roll 1d6 until the tie is resolved.

🎲 1d6

Example Comparing Rolls

Total Players: 3

Player Roll Result
Player A 1d6 🎲 6
Player B 1d6 🎲 2
Player C 1d6 🎲 3

As a result, Player A goes first. Play would proceed counter clockwise to Player A

City Placement

Once the Anchor has been determined, the Capital of each Player will be placed on any open tile on the map.

The initial City of a Player is called the Capital. The Capital itself is no different than another City, except that it comes with some buildings already built. Capital is functionally a term that only applies to Board Setup, after which everything is a City.

The Anchor will place his or her Capital first, the each Player counter clockwise will take turns placing his or her city until all Capitals have been placed.


2 Players worth of Tokens

0,0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 💰 - - 🏰 - - 💰 - - 🎁
2 - - ⚒️ - 🎁 - - 🧟 ⚒️ -
3 🧟 - 💰 - - - - 💰 - -
4 - 💰 - - - 💰 🧟 - - -
5 - - 🧟 - - - - ⚒️ 🎁 -
6 🎁 - - 💰 🏰 - 🧟 - - -
7 - - - ⚒️ - 🎁 - - ⚒️ -
8 - 🧟 - - - 🧟 - 🎁 - -
9 - - - - - - - - - -
10 ⚒️ - - - 💰 - - 🧟 - -


Player 1: CONSTRUCT 🏰 at (4, 1)

Player 2: CONSTRUCT 🏰 at (5, 6)

Distribute Resources

There is one (1) type of Resource called Coin [ 💰 ].

Resource Symbol
Coin 💰

Each Player receives an initial cache of resources, as specified below.


Each Player's Capital is also awarded

  • Ramparts [ 🛡 ]
  • Unit Spawner [ 🏛️ ]